Wednesday: Last day of work for the week and Brent had the night off from work, so he was able to come up for the night
Thursday: Slept in and lazed around with Brent until it was time to get ready to head to my mom's house for dinner at 4:00. Brent had to be to work that night at 11:00, so he was able to stay for a while, which was nice since it looks like he has to work on Christmas!
Friday: Slept in until 1:30! Couldn't believe it, guess I was tired! I then put up the Christmas tree and all the holiday decorations.
Saturday: Ran to Wal-mart and spent way to much money as usual. Then, wrapped as many of the presents as I could. Also worked on a few crafty projects. Watched the movie 21 - not too bad except didn't care for the ending. Also watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall - a really bad movie. The acting was terrible and the funny scenes were more dumb than funny.
Sunday: Slept in again - not sure HOW I'm going to be able to get up to go to work tomorrow morning! Been working on cleaning the kitchen (having 2 dogs around really makes the floor dirty). Also doing laundry. Not much else planned for the day.
I've also been reading the Book "Twilight" all weekend. I told myself I want to read the book before I see the movie. I'm about 1/2 way done!
Now, for the annual picture of Maggie in front of the tree. As you can see, she LOVES this tradition. :)

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