Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tailgating in the Snow?

So, it's Brent's birthday on Sunday and to celebrate, we are going to the Iowa Hawkeyes game on Saturday. Brent is a huge Hawkeyes fan and has had season tickets for the past few years. However, this year, he decided not to get season tickets. I feel kinda bad, because I know how much he loves watching them play and seeing it on t.v. is just not the same. Although, I always try to make sure he gets the opportunity to watch it. Even when it's our weekend together and I'm not a big fan of sports of any kind.
Last year for his birthday, we went to a game and it was my first experience at getting up at the butt crack of dawn to get in line to make sure we got our "spot" for tailgating. We then proceeded to eat lots of food, drink and play bean bags. It was a pretty good time, except for the fact that is was FREEZING outside! And, here we are planning on doing it all over again Saturday, except, it's supposed to SNOW! This time, I'm going prepared. I'm wearing long johns and piling on as many layers as I can. I thought we should bring a blanket along to use in the stands because - here's the good part - the game's not until 2:30 and by that time, the sun will be behind the stands of the outdoor stadium.
So, while most of you are staying indoors and watching the snow from inside, I will be outside cheering for a game that I really don't even understand. If that's not love, I don't know what is!

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